Monday, April 30, 2012

Tools, April 30th 2012

Alarm clock, coffee pot, Bible

Check book, pen


Washer, dryer, dishwasher

Chore gloves and muck boots

Garden hose & reel

Bucket, feed scale

PC & iPad

Hammer, fence insulators, nails &

Lariat. Halter & lead rope.

Shower. Hair dryer. Garnier BB Cream.

Kitchen TV, to watch the weather.

Diet Coke.

Dish rag, paper towels, all-purpose
cleaner, Windex

Telephone, Blackberry


Thoughtful commentary, compassion

Chocolate, for encouragement.

TSP, scrub brush, Diet Mountain Dew

Masking tape, paint, paint stick, paint
tray, paint roller, newspaper...

soap and water

Microwave, dishwasher. Again.

Kitchen TV, to watch the evening news... but mostly for the weather

Washer, dryer, laundry basket


Bath tub, towels, tuck-in kisses
and bedtime prayers...

Yesterday at church, a nice white-haired lady asked me, "Do you work?"

I replied, with a smile...

"All day. Every day."


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