Sunday, September 26, 2010

Another Creative Outlet...

It was almost a year ago when my oldest daughter contracted the H1N1 flu, and was hospitalized with life-threatening complications. My husband and I took turns staying with her around the clock; one was at the hospital at all times, while the other would be at home with our younger daughter.  We took 24-hour shifts and the arrangement worked pretty well, considering the gravity and stress of the situation.

During one of my shifts at home, however, I was feeling particularly restless and felt the need to DO SOMETHING.  Hoping to share my daughter's story and send out a plea for people to pray for her recovery, I spent a few hours learning the ins and outs of video slideshow production. Quite pleased with the results, I then posted it to YouTube and Facebook.  The video got a lot of positive response... and as a result, I found a new creative outlet in the midst of very unlikely circumstances.

In February, my parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, and I wanted to create a tribute to them.

This is the result:

Of course, it was only fair to include my youngest daughter in the mix...

For my 20th wedding anniversary, a retrospective was in order:

And then, there is my most recent project, a video of some of the horses and scenes from around the farm:

I truly enjoy producing these videos.  When my daughters ask about what they should do or be when they grow up, my answer is always the same: they should do whatever it is that when they are in the midst of it, they get so absorbed that time flies by and they lose all track of it.   I am so fortunate to have a number of passions, and to have to opportunity to devote much of my time to them... my horses, my writing, and now this new creative outlet as well.  Its amazing to see how they are all coming together to work in conjunction with one another... and proof positive that keeping an open mind to the possibilities in life really does open up new opportunities.


Sheila King said...

Such a good job on the videos Amy, really enjoyed watching them!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much, Sheila... they are really fun to make. Guess its my version of scrapbooking. :)